why did brendan james leave chapo

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Photo by David Himbert / Hans Lucas Studio. In 2010, the bodies of 72 Central American migrants were found on a ranch in the north-eastern state of Tamaulipas. For example, blacks and whites have different ideas about loitering or how the police should interact with the public. Anyway, I don’t find it the least surprising you missed the irony in my post. And once they are in the US, narcotraffickers can cut plea deals and help prosecutors capture their former bosses and colleagues. The government called 56 witnesses, the defence called only one: an FBI agent, who finished testifying within an hour. And you have to admit his articles are pretty entertaining, while the rest of the content on this site doesn’t seem to share the same “plebeian” scope. “I left my job in public relations and went to a furniture school to learn the craft.”. Political life now has a significant digital dimension, and this is unlikely to change as long as the president of the United States threatens war on Twitter. This is mainly because both movements appeal almost exclusively to white people, and when you get a bunch of white people together, certain white quirks are going to predominate. I fragmented my comment by falling asleep.However, I disiike all of the new trends in black music (force-fed as the background in many places here), it is such a sham. Thus, from a White Nationalist perspective, the Dirtbag Left is worth considering, if for no other reason than because we are in direct competition with them for an audience. ITV Good Morning Britain: James Jordan HITS BACK at host, Strictly Come Dancing 2019: James Jordan DEMANDS celeb for Neil Jones. For example, Chapo are convinced that global warming is an existential threat (yet also believe that the evidence for race and IQ correlation is inconclusive), and that doomsday is a-comin’ unless we do something, and quick: Of course, no roster of anticipatable apocalypses would be complete without the total ecological collapse caused by climate change. The scat, cooch and muh dik frontiers are the only free fire zones left for Lefty comics, and there’s little left to there explore that doesn’t induce cringe or nausea at this point.

newspaper archive. Hell, you could call yourself a pumpkin pie, but to everyone else, y’all are a bunch of faggy liberals. Your head is full of ranch dressing. Review of the podcast Blowback (Stitcher Premium), hosted by Noah Kulwin and Brendan James. In time, Chapo added another two men, Brendan James and Virgil Texas, and a woman, Amber A’Lee Frost, to its roster of hosts, though James departed the show in 2017. Listen on SoundCloud. In 2005, after a long struggle with Baghdad, the Iraqi Kurds won constitutional recognition of their autonomous region, and the Kurdistan Regional Government has since signed oil contracts with a number of Western oil companies as well as with Turkey. And everyone knows that Protestants can’t be Hispanic. Traffickers started moving shipments across the porous US-Mexico border, and American officials redirected their attention to Mexico. Wouldn’t the outcomes of “race realism” end up *bolstering* the leftist view that certain minorities should have certain allowances to even the societal playing field?

I was ostensibly against the war, but being fourteen lacked the basic grounding in history or current affairs to be able to articulate my case. If black kids are better athletes but don’t have the same high IQ as white kids, shouldn’t they *have their own standardized tests* to reflect that discrepancy in order to have a more equitable, harmonious society? America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. The podcast is both extensively researched, making heavy use of primary audio and accompanied by episode source lists, and entertaining, punched up with funny asides and movie dialogue. what the fuck is this shitty website and how did this end up in my Google News feed?
George W. Bush: Our war is against networks, groups, people who coddle them, people who try to hide them, people who fund them. . Can’t Touch This, which is wholely reliant on samples from Superfreak by Rick James (RIP)t o be catchy. Courtesy of Le Canard enchaîné. Housebroken comedy can’t compete with genuine truth vs. pretention and power comedy. Everyone here acknowledges that average Asian IQ is higher than average White IQ and so on. ‘John Legend’ is particularly pathetic, stage name obviously meant to reflect ‘John Lennon’, I do not particularly like the latter, I wrote a song ‘One Beatle down and Three to Go’ for my punk rock band at the time of his death (because I already hated the hippies), the song was performed twice, athough some of my comrades may have comtinued with it. The conclusion felt predetermined, as if it reflected America’s political circumstances as both the hosts, and much of the liberal crowd, understood them to be.

jump to content. At the time cocaine trafficking was starting to become big business in Mexico. I had time of using tape-loops, synth-gating of tape, and synth-sounds, it was quite popular. I think that’s something “principled leftists” like Chapo Trap House supporters will have to face eventually. If you were older than me, you were able to construct a picture of the events as they unfolded. When we tried to not be racist, we ended up using the same framework, which today also lives on in identitarian form. LMAO please put more of this shit on your website, it’s seriously the funniest thing I’ve read all week. Photo by Fernando Montero Castrillo. After the first Gulf War, the UN sought to establish a safe haven in parts of Kurdistan, and the United States and UK set up a no-fly zone. The epilogue especially had me laughing.

Police were underpaid, crime was lucrative and the government was compromised by the cartels.

However, we have one advantage over the DSA. Selling drugs in the shadow of an abandoned factory, North Philadelphia. But the term doesn’t just refer to an aesthetic. The following year, he escaped once again, before he was recaptured for the final time in 2016. Discussing politics in a multicultural society requires talking about other groups.

Protection rackets are common.

Photo by John Power. To begin, when people talk about “culture,” the Chapo gang reach for their revolvers: For a long time people had a crude but basically correct understanding of culture’s relationship to politics: Marx’s idea that the “superstructure” of society – law, morality, and culture – arises out of the economic meat grinder hidden underneath, the “base.” This rough version of the theory gets criticized as simplistic, and to be fair, it is: there are all kinds of inputs and outputs that determine culture, and there’s plenty of good criticism of this bastardized version of Marx.

If we hadn’t propped up our dictators, wouldn’t they have propped up their dictators and won? Time to re-think my world view. James had become hugely popular on the show, developing a reputation as the ‘bad boy’. Before long, they went from being couriers to distributors, which was far more profitable, and overtook their former employers as the world’s biggest traffickers.

Seriously, Jews?

If it was a choice for another team to racially discriminate against whites, they could easily gain an advantage over the affirmative action team where blacks are not being oppressed due to their race. “That’s not at all what we think is going on. Common migration routes from East Africa to Europe. 8. I’m a culture warrior and as such, I examined the Dirtbag Left as a cultural phenomenon. Satirists don’t need to tell people how to vote, but they should at least force us to confront ugly truths.
Think of the qualities of a stereotypical hipster, and they are the same as that of a stereotypical Jew: weak, nebbish, effeminate, slightly neurotic and obsessive, but with above average verbal IQ. “We used to try to name and shame all the people who absolutely would sign up for the ‘drones are good, the National Security Agency is responsible,’ beat,” James told a repentant former “D-list lanyard” for the Democratic Party on an August 2017 episode. Members of the People’s Guard on motorcycles, 1920. And since everyone else is fighting for their group, either I fight for mine or I lose to those who fight as a racial collective. Mexico doesn’t audit judges or prosecutors, and lacks independent monitoring agencies. And where White Nationalists have to deal with purity-spiraling wignats who think The Daily Stormer is too cucked, the DSA crowd have their own similar optics war going on with antifa tankies who are unconcerned with hearts and minds. When this song was playing on country radio I was living in Texas, and maudlin nationalism of this sort was ubiquitous. According to law and economics scholar Edgardo Buscaglia, Sinaloa has a presence in 54 countries and Jalisco Nueva Generación, one of Mexico’s fastest growing cartels, is said to have branched out throughout the Americas. For socialist feminism, there’s Season of the Bitch; to hear military veterans criticize the institution in which they served, there’s What a Hell of a Way to Die; for a reminder that the American left extends beyond the five boroughs of New York City, there’s the Trillbilly Worker’s Party, broadcast from Whitesburg, Kentucky. Obama had been president for two years, George W. Bush had gone gently into that good night, and Congress had finally signed the Affordable Care Act into law. In Mexico, he observed, Trump coming to power “reinforced every stereotype of America for the past hundred years”. The latest, i suppose in the wake of John Legend, is black women mimicing country- and folk-styled crap. But while Mexican cartels regularly appear in the US media, most people are unfamiliar with the circumstances that contributed to their rise. What exactly were they afraid would have happened if they hadn’t thought of a good enough reason to enslave Africans?

I believe people of all races should have the same opportunities inside a given country, however, when despite equal opportunities, one succeeds more, the more successful should not be brought down and the less successful brought up.

1. other groups are not interested in cooperating and just want to do indentity politics instead If science shows average black IQ and therefore group achievement is lower, that doesn’t mean automatically that we must help them. Worley claimed that it was not a pro-war song, only a pro-America and pro-military song, even though the second chorus affirmed that “we vowed to get the ones behind bin Laden,” and later in the song he sang, “Some say this country’s just out looking for a fight / Well, after 9/11, man, I’d have to say that’s right.” The song was reported to have brought tears to Donald Rumsfeld’s eyes — perhaps tears of relief that Americans were such easy marks. On top of this, AOC’s social circle appears to be overwhelmingly white, and she exclusively dates white men.

Indeed, it might if creating a level playing field was actually the goal of our overlords but it is not.

US army intelligence cables from the 80s and early 90s reveal that American officials were fully aware that all over Mexico, officials, politicians and state and federal police were in on the take. Right-wing ideology doesn’t deify Social Darwinism, it simply accepts it, in the same way you accept gravity. So not only is there a ceiling to their support, that ceiling gets lower and lower as their base within the Democratic Party is shrinking.

Good luck being a gay, mixed-race tranny anywhere other than a society devised and administrated by the ‘Western man’. But it is absolutely imperative that you lose the Jews as soon as possible. The Jews gave us the Beastie Boys, and they gave us exactly one good album before they created sampling laws and thereby ruining it for everyone else. What nature is and what is possible naturally isn’t always something as simple as that, because different parts of nature have different natures – i.e qualities, aptitudes, personalities – themselves. If that sentence is meaningless to you—if you do not know what a Patreon is or what a Chapo Trap House is—nobody can really blame you, but this means you probably do not spend much time on Twitter.

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