rabbit bonding service

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Your rabbits are not emotionally attached to me, or me to them and whilst I have their health and safety in mind at all times, I am able to oversee the bonding process without intervening at the wrong times due to emotional attachment. We will give you the benefit of our experience, pinpointing the cause of any tension between your rabbits, or influencing factors that may be hindering bonding success. But once you are comfortable that these factors have been considered, and you’ve decided that repairing the bond is the best way forward, we can help you along the way. We will request information about your rabbits' needs, preferences and confirm all details in advance of your Bootcamp date. Edie Sayeg, bonding counselor for the Georgia House Rabbit Society, describes it as putting the rabbit next to each other and stroke them on foreheads, just the way they like to be stroked. Each rabbit must also be able to hide from the other whenever they want - ensure they both have constant access to hiding places.

Rabbit bonding means the gradual build-up of friendship among rabbits. Please do not be tempted  to rush things and give too much freedom too quickly; ignoring the small space rule because your bunnies seem to be firm friends has been the undoing of many bonded rabbits. Our trained team of rabbit carers conduct daily bonding exercises and aim to get your rabbits bonded together and returned to you as a happy bonded pair or small group. Does anyone know of a good, knowledgeable rescue that offers a bunny bonding service near Preston,Blackpool Lancashire, England. Are you bonding a group of 4 or more rabbits? However even with new accommodation; it is not a good idea not to allow the rabbits to use the whole space immediately, but to build up over a period of a few days to a week. The exercises often need to be adjusted to suit, as the trigger points and tell-tale signs of bonding frustrations and successes will be different. Introducing unfamiliar rabbits needs to be done carefully. © 2019 - 2020 | Beloved Rabbits, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation #SC049128. We have a number of bonding support services designed to help you make a success of bonding your rabbits.

This should be allowed to happen provided it doesn’t escalate into fighting or chasing that may be a precursor to injury.

I am happy to have helped bond the rabbits that I have and to have enriched their lives, and if I can do that I may not be changing the world but I can change the world of the rabbits that I help. This needs to be somewhere neither rabbit has been housed before. All rights reserved. The decision was made as we anticipate great strain our volunteer team during the coming weeks, particularly with the current guidance for social distancing and self-isolation protocols.

In some instances, following an introduction of a few days, rabbits can become immediate friends, but this is not always the case and when returning to their home environment it needs to be managed carefully to ensure that the bond continues to develop and not go backwards, or break up totally. In 4 years of bonding over a 100 rabbits I've only had to keep 3 lots of bonding bunnies longer than a week and after two weeks they were ready to go home. www.facebook.com/derricksdenrabbitboarding/, I have never known a friendly rabbit to lose interest in human company, once they like you they always will. And we just love to see the end result – so share your bonded bunny pictures with us once the drama is all over, and the rabbits are bosom buddies. What happens when I take my ‘bonded’ rabbit's home? (Please refer to my terms and conditions). There is nothing more heartwarming as a rabbit lover than to watch two or more rabbits groom each other and snuggle up together.

Learn more about the health and welfare needs of rabbits. If your housing is a hutch or Wendy house with a run attached, then close off the run for at least a few days. Rabbits are naturally sociable animals usually preferring to be in the company of other rabbits. Your rabbits would be boarded at our facilities in Kirkintilloch for approximately 7 days (occasionally extended to up to 14 days for difficult bonds). The personalities of the rabbits are mismatched. If it doesn’t, then it may be worth analysing if there is anything you can do to make the space more neutral.

Once they seem comfortable in one another's presence whilst living side-by-side, try swapping some of the rabbits' nesting materials over, or rubbing a cloth over one rabbit and then the other to transfer scent. We recommend considering the factors that may have caused this before proceeding with “Re-Bonding”.

If you are using existing accommodation, whilst your bunnies are away being bonded, you will need to totally clean and de-odorise the space. So far, when carrying out bondings nothing has ever 'kicked off' I've just been kept awake or woken by an unimpressed bunny foot stamping! These may include a change in environment, health problems with one or more of the group, or other stress conditions. Once the rabbits are comfortable with the sight and smell of each other they can be. Always speak to your vet for more detailed advice before attempting to bond rabbits. As we know mounting/chasing is regularly seen in a new bond to show dominance. In a larger shed, it may be useful to break down the space to a smaller area using a puppy pen or NIC cubes, which I can provide you with (£10 deposit refunded on safe return). I scatter my lovely lots food every meal time as I believe food issues can often be a problem with some rabbits being greedier than others , plus it encourages them to ‘forage’ for their food, a behaviour that is natural to them and I strongly believe in encouraging their natural behaviour as much as I possibly can. Perhaps you have tried one or two sessions yourself without any success, or maybe you are just nervous about the whole situation and want someone with experience to show you the ropes from the outset. I so wish that I could… but that just isn’t possible. If you need any help or advice or you’re worried about anything during their period of transition then please feel free to contact me. chewed toys, marked litter trays, fabric items such as animal beds/toys and any other items which may indicate to the original bunny that they are back in their old territory. To help maintain rabbit body temperatures at all times we have installed thermostatically controlled heaters into all environments for use when we have indoor rabbit guests, as well as using extra straw and bedding materials all within veterinary grade insulated cages.

I will refund 50% of your payment for a bonding that I consider to be unsuccessful or to risky to continue with, the only exception to this rule is that it becomes apparent from the very start that the bunnies in question are 'unbondable' or require more intense work, in which case I offer an 80% refund, within the first 24 hours. But if it doesn’t work, we understand that keeping rabbits lonely is not what anyone wants. The session will give you the confidence to carry out the exercises when you return home and progress to a happy bond. The RSPCA helps animals in England and Wales. We give you all the tools you need to follow a typical rabbit bonding programme. Females shouldn't be bonded with another rabbit immediately post-neutering to reduce the risk of injury. If one of your bunnies needs an overnight stay at the vets, a bunny savvy vet should understand the need for the bonded bunnies to stay together and if he/she doesn’t, then you probably need to find another vet. Rabbits Love Rabbits! However, bonding rabbits is not always as straightforward as many people think. If the introductions are going well you can introduce toys, hiding places, tunnels, etc., however you need to make sure there are enough for both rabbits. Often when rabbits are first introduced to each other they will show some form of aggression or dominance. I post regular updates and videos to my Facebook page (with owner's full consent) so if your're interested to see how some of my previous bonding's have gone please feel free to have a look at Derrick's Facebook page or check out our customer reviews page to see how happy we've made a lot of lonely bunnies.

I have never known a friendly rabbit to lose interest in human company, once they like you they always will.

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