FWIW, I generally loft and match in preference to BlendSrf-ing. With symmetry, point editing is mirrored to the other end of the curve. Also, I have another proposition for the “Blend surface” and “Match surface” commands. Perpendicular. *Only showed in my second image. Forces all shape curves to be planar and parallel to the specified direction. There are bugs with History enabled for splines/curves, too. Since it works in Rhino 5, I think that this bug in Rhino 6 is something that could be easily fixed by the team at McNeel. Hole the same size as surface. Lock sliders icon (1), surface end bulge controls (2). By clicking on the “Reset handles” box the blend surface handles will go back exactly like they appear in example number 1. PS: For some reason the 2nd image appears horizontally stretched in my internet browser. If I use the BlendSrf command with the “Interior shapes” option off, sometimes the resulting blend surface will lack proper G2 continuity. Hi Pascal, I see what you mean here. For example, every time I start Rhino 6 with various toolbars arranged at the bottom, the “Osnap” is missing, even though it was there in the last session. Loft plus Match surface.3dm (7.4 MB). This also happens if I delete the Blend surface and try to build a new one. This is what Rhino 7’s “Blend surface” should be capable of: Hello - Thanks - you’re losing me a bit on the ‘match target isocurve’ bit. In this context you’d need extra UI to specify U or V direction. In Rhino 5, I can add as much extra shapes (through the “Add shapes” button), but the default control shapes are always two (at the start and the end of the blend surface), allowing me to manually adjust the intermediate shape the way I wand. Usually I place the Osnap toolbar at the bottom and then place several tabs with other toolbars on top of it. I added a description for these above. No matter how many times I save the toolbar settings, the “Osnap” toolbar is always missing and probably this error is caused by the presence of other toolbars at the bottom. Email Mary Ann Fugier, Robert McNeel and Associates, New / Enhanced Grasshopper Included – Single Installation.
Hello - BlendSrf uses Sweep2 - this generally makes surfaces with multiple knots, resulting in heavier surfaces. Several days ago in another topic you posted an image showing one improvement for “Blend surface” in Rhino 7 WIP that build a simplified surface. c) If I do the same with the second surface, then the Blend surface rebuilds itself into a surface with Degree 5 (CV count = 6) and Degree 3 (CV count = 10). You can change the continuity setting or just click on the current ones. This is a big time saver when the amount of edges and/or curves is above 10-20.
This will basically turn it onto a “Sweep 3 rail” command. Make it possible to move sideways (along the rail edges of the blend surface) as much control points as the user wants, with “Relax” option separately along the U and V directions that affects only the selected control points. I think that “Blend surface” also should be allowed to match to inside of target surfaces in a similar fashion (currently, it’s limited to use only surface edges as input). 17-Sep-2015, Select and adjust control points or press. Note: When you snap to a point and add a shape, the command automatically creates a shape that connects to the corresponding point on the other side, which attempts to keep the blend simple. This is selected by default and works exactly as the current blend surface matching.
However, “Blend surface” was unable to obtain the same number of control points as the input surfaces, ultimately adding extra control point rows. The angle relationships between surfaces, sharpness of the bend in the edge around corners, and blend type all play a part in any particular case. Despite being non-parallel to the isocurves of the target surfaces, the edges of the matched surface remained as simple as possible while achieving G2 continuity.
Selects curves in the positive curve direction. Ability to divide the blend surface (while still into its creation phase) into a number of sections, where the user is able to set a different, individual continuity setting to each section. This is a very good feature and if you ever decide to implement the full resetting of the handles in a future update, the existing partial resetting could co-exist as both of them do different job and are equally useful.
Click a location on each surface edge to add another shape curve.
Looks like in these situations with diagonally split surfaces Rhino is getting confused which direction is the target one (U or V) and can’t predict the intent of the modeler.
However, to go around this limitation, there is still a possibility to pick either an extracted isocurve or a projected curve on the target surface. Hole the same size as surface (left). Notes If you try to create a blend between a surface and a hole in another surface that is exactly the same size as the surface, Rhino will be forced to make the blend surface dip in quite a bit so it is smooth to both surfaces. Note that the two input surface at the left side were cut by isocurve, exposing a very clean edge to work with.
For example, if I want to create a blend surface whose last 25% smoothly turn into a crease line, then the program should allow me to divide the blend surface into 4 sections where I set G2 for the first 2 sections (equal to 50% of the total length), G0 for the 4th section (equal to 25% of the total length) and the 3rd section (another 25%) is leaved for the smooth transition between G2 and G0. If you try to create a blend between a surface and a hole in another surface that is exactly the same size as the surface, Rhino will be forced to make the blend surface dip in quite a bit so it is smooth to both surfaces. Rhino 6 has issues with custom arrangement of toolbar menus. No Software Rental. Maybe this is caused by the introduction of the newly adopted “Interior shapes”. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Rhinoceros 6 for Windows / Modelling Enhancements - One View, Sweep and Blend Surface with History: In this video, Rhino ART Phil Cook of Simply Rhino UK takes a look at Rhino v6 improvements focuses on One View, Sweep and Blend Surface. I just updated the image. Options available after one chain segment is selected. Matches the blend surface either to the U or V direction of the target surface, as I explained this in my previous post. NVIDIA Quadro Card Tests with Rhino 6 WIP. “Reset handles”. Here we go. The BlendSrf command creates a blend surface between two surfaces. When Continuity is set to Tangency, if the angle between two edges/curves is less than this value, the chain selection will consider the criteria for continuity met and will select the next segment.
Example 1 shows the original surface before we run the “Match surface” command. An updated version of the “Blend surface” panel with some extra controls and rearrangement. Just like it did in Rhino 5. b) But… If I rebuild one of these perfectly flat surfaces with Point count 10, Degree 3 and span counts 7 in both UV directions, the Blend surface that I already had (with History enabled) will rebuild itself into a surface with Degree 5 (CV count = 6) and Degree 3 (CV count = 4). Norbert. The BlendSrf command creates a blend surface between two surfaces. Example number 2 shows how it looks when the handles were further modified.
This is somewhat implemented in the Patch command and I find it quite useful. This is how much the blend surface will follow the curvature of the target surface. In many cases G2 continuity is way too much, and G1 is too few. Another helpful thing for the “Match surface” command is to have a secondary, smart auto-chain option that will limit the latter to only those edges that sit adjacent to the surface that’s being matched. Selecting a curve or surface edge automatically selects all curve segments connected with the level of continuity set by the ChainContinuity option. That will completely resolve the issue with randomly shaped blend surfaces that require extensive work to be fixed afterwards.
Probably needs its own UI. My proposition for the “Divide edge” option is basically a “Rebuild surface U” inside “Blend surface” while the latter command is still active. If the edge is untrimmed, the shapes are parallel to the surface isocurves. (quote) “An option “Use guide rail” would help a lot, if we were able to pick a spline that the BlendSfr command could use as a guide for its middle body. Hello - this is the same in V6 - if the edges are simple (untrimmed) , then the blend surface can be as well. Sometimes I match a surface to more than 50 edges together and my intent is to match to, say, only 17 of these, while the remaining 33 edges I have to deselect manually. In the same way, if we have the blend surface divided into 10 sections, we will be able to create advanced blend surfaces with greater control over the overall shape. “Match target isocurve U direction” and “Match target isocurve V direction”. If the gap between two edges/curves is less than this value, the chain selection will ignore the gap and will select the next segment. I also have a few suggestions for the BlendSrf command: Is it possible to add a “Relax shape” option whose purpose is to smooth out the middle rows of the blend surface, without affecting the height of the surface at both both ends? This image has “Rotate start of 1 by” (etc) renamed to “Handle 1a” (etc) if we assume that in the future the viewport display of handles 1 and 2 is changed to 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b. With other words, this will be something like G1,5 and will give a much greater control on how strong the curvature is compared to a true G2 continuity.
The “Same high” option works in a different way, trying to equate the height of the surface. This is especially important if the input shapes are complex and you want to control the shape in more locations.
Always blend from the largest radius to the smallest radius across a model. Rhino 7, is that you? That was not an issue in Rhino 5 where everything worked as expected every time, so I consider it a bug in Rhino 6 where it is unable to do so. Example 2 shows how the surface is matched to the adjacent surfaces when “ChainEdge” is activated and “AutoChain” is turned on and “Match edges by closest point” is not on (as I said, sometimes it’s a reason for potential errors). Being able to control the draft angle is especially useful when working with products that will be manufactured by injection moulding or by using fibreglass moulds. Remove any edges you can prior to blending with. Obviously, that will not work if the blend surface’s handle was moved to somewhere in the middle of a target surface.
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